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Historic Building on the Move
Local Adelaide printer discovers interesting story about one of Victoria Square's old buildings.
Peter Veld of Kwik Kopy Franklin Street Adelaide points to the building that moved on Victoria Square - Take a look at the window of Kwik Kopy on the corner of Franklin Street and Victoria Square then walk down Victoria Square to Grote Street to see the building that moved 34 metres. -
Centenary Plaque SA Harbour Board building Victoria Square Adelaide Market Quarter - How a 1000 tonne structure is moved 34 metres on Victoria Square. -
Evidence of how the Victoria Square building was moved. - Where the rollers were inserted in 1984 when the SA Harbour Board building moved 34 metres to the South along Victoria Square, Adelaide South Australia. -
201 Victoria Square Gallery - One of the historic photos on display to the public inside the building 201 Victoria Sq -
201 Victoria Square - 201 Victoria Square showing evidence of the move
Could it be that a 1000 tonne structure had moved metres along Victoria Square? Local trader Peter Veld from Kwik Kopy installed a large photo of the original buildings along Victoria Square from Grote to Franklin Streets on his shop window on the corner of Franklin Street and discovered something very interesting.
One of the buildings had appeared to have moved. If you have a look at the plaque on the SA Harbour Board Building you will see that on the 8th December 1979, prior to the construction of the adjoining SGIC building, the 1000 tonne structure was moved on rollers along concrete and steel runway beams using hydraulic rams to his new position. The original building was erected 34 metres to the South of the bulding.
The site is becoming quite a tourist destination as visitors compare the historic photo on the window of Kwik Kopy with the buildings as they now stand.